Citroën Guyane - Cayenne i Cayenne

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Z.I. Collery Ouest Cayenne, Cayenne 97300, French Guiana
Kontakter telefon: +594 594 35 07 00
Latitude: 4.8983496, Longitude: -52.327977
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Kommentar 5

  • clery dutrenteetun

    clery dutrenteetun


    Very nice workshop reception, nothing to say 👍

  • Ti Doune D

    Ti Doune D


    The staff is very caring. Extremely rare in this sector of activity, the staff are local and contrary to popular belief, they are very professional. The information is clear, practical and transparent. As for the prices charged, they are affordable for all budgets. The leaders of this company should handsomely reward these deserving collaborators.

  • Jean Laurent Dollet

    Jean Laurent Dollet


    Total invoice of 500 euros for a battery at 106 euros because it takes 4 days to change a battery 245 euros to change your battery they stuff themselves because you hire a car. Concession to avoid Citroën and Peugeot organized thieves. 4 days to change a battery. It is more than incompetence but organized theft. It is especially important not to buy Citroën and Peugeot in Guyana I'm not sure that the other dealerships are better the spoilers are the thieves of Guyana.




    My wife's vehicle broke down in April 2020 due to the alternator belt coming out. No explanation provided on the repair after 15 days, otherwise the order for a new alternator... After-sales service unable to put the car back into operation despite my reminders. Today is 06/9/20. Very bad after-sales service!!!

  • Frederique F

    Frederique F


    I had to change my defective injectors and changed them during the warranty, DDE overhaul to date still results in a response to a request made 2 years ago paint that is rusting abnormally NOTHING! well my new purchase of a new car will be elsewhere and no longer with you!

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